This may be a bit unanswerable but seeing if the community can come up with any historical conversations or rules.
We have a quarterback boot we put into the playbook. The wide receivers are trips right and clear out the defensive backs on that side - if they don't one of them is wide open. That leaves at most the defensive end and an outside linebacker somewhat unaccounted. Based on running the play we feel that our tackle will block the end almost all of the time.
That leaves our quarterback one on one with an outside linebacker - literally the only receiver on that side of the field will be 25-30 yards deep. For fun during one of our scrimmages I had quarterback throw a 15 yard lob to himself. The play was very successful because once he rolled and felt the OLB come up hard he threw the ball and the OLB was well out of position.
But that beckons, can this be countered with the OLB just holding the QB after the throw? At what point could the OLB hit/hold the QB? Is there any rule to cite when talking to the refs before the game about the play (I am a ref too so it would be common to talk to the refs about a trick play before we run it) to get them to get their flags ready after my QB takes off for the ball that he threw?