The batter hits a fly ball double to center, but the runner does not touch first. The defense appeals and the batter is out 8-4-1-3.
How is the play scored? As a single with an out advancing, or just an out?
9.05 (a) gives the conditions for crediting a hit. Most of them require that the runner has to make it to first base safely.
This runner did not reach first base safely and is not entitled to a hit.
But to be more explicit, 9.05 (b)(2) states:
9.05 (b) The Official Scorer shall not credit a base hit when a:
(2) batter apparently hits safely and a runner who is forced to advance by reason of the batter becoming a runner fails to touch the first base to which such runner is advancing and is called out on appeal. The Official Scorer shall charge the batter with a time at bat but no hit;
The runner fails to touch the base required (first) and is out on appeal. No hit.