[Bocce][1] and it's variants. Normally, played on a flat court (13 feet wide, 91 feet in length) with one small ball *(called also **jack**/boccino/pallino)* and each team having 4 big balls. In the simplest variant, there are 2 players/teams. #Action > The 1st player throws the jack on the pitch. Then he bowls one of his > 4 balls. Then the 2nd player bowls one of his 4 balls. From then on, > the side which does not have the ball closest to the jack has a chance > to bowl, up until one side or the other has used their four balls. > Then the other side uses its remaining balls. #Scoring > The team with the closest ball to the jack is the only team that can > score points in any frame. The scoring team receives one point for > each of their balls that is closer to the jack than the closest ball > of the other team. The length of a game varies by region but is > typically from 7 to 13 points. Here is a [video][2] that shows and explains the rules in an easy way. *Interestingly, I learned this game from [Assassin's Creed][3] video game.* [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bocce [2]: https://youtu.be/2hhN6S-1urM?t=52s [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed_III