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8 votes

What could be the advantage of doping in curling?

Endurance and power in curling are important during the sweeping action, and I can guarantee that after a match the players are tired (especially the two players who sweep more). Here some evidence ...
Ale's user avatar
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Why do curlers always spin the stone

It is a matter of control over the stone's path. A rotating stone creates small scratches in the ice with its leading edge, which cause the trailing edge to change direction as it crosses them. This ...
Chenmunka's user avatar
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Why do curlers have a stopwatch?

I think you are seeing them stop, not start the stopwatch. They are timing how long it takes from the back line to the first hog line. This time can be compared to previous throws to see if the rock ...
BowlOfRed's user avatar
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Sweeping actions in curling

Yes it is possible to estimate the effectiveness of sweeping on a curling rock. There have been numerous studies to determine the answer to this question. I have personally participated in several ...
Brad Thiessen's user avatar
4 votes

What happens when time runs out in Curling Olympics matches?

When a team's thinking time expires and they have not completed their ends, that team immediately forfeits the match. Rule C6 (n) is straightforward. Each team must complete its part of a game ...
Nij's user avatar
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Blanking second end after blanking the first

(I assume you mean that you have started with the hammer). Blanking the first only because of the odd number of remaining ends in regulation does not seem a good decision. You're giving up potential ...
BowlOfRed's user avatar
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What is the advantage to ask the Power Play in curling?

There are two "classical" strategies in Curling: 1) With the hammer (i.e. the right to play the last stone in the end), your goal is to draw the game to the side of the house, so that at the end you ...
red_tiger's user avatar
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Why do curlers have a stopwatch?

Curling teams receive a specific allotment of thinking time (term used in rules) to complete the delivery of their stones. World Curling Federation handles the timing of games in section C6. Each ...
Nij's user avatar
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Are substitutions allowed in curling?

Teams may substitute a player for injury, but not for technical choice. R3 (d) clearly allows for a "qualified alternate" in the case of "a player being unable to continue, and details ...
Nij's user avatar
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Why do curlers blank on purpose?

There are several reasons, but these are the main two: during the first part of the game it is easy to see a blank end because the team with the hammer is studying the ice and prefers a blanked end ...
Ale's user avatar
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2 votes

What could be the advantage of doping in curling?

The curling case is very puzzling, as the drug in question is meldonium, which basically allows slightly greater endurance by opening up blood flow and regulating energy in the cells. Even curlers are ...
JohnP's user avatar
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How are the votes on curling shots determined?

Statistics is a very demanding job. Not only do you have to give points for every stone, you also register the type of stone (draw, take out …), the curl (in or out-turn) and place the stone in the ...
red_tiger's user avatar
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2 votes

How are curling percentage determined by each shot?

The stones are given points (normally between 0 and 4) depending on how close to the task (as the judges see it) the stone is. This often does not include secondary tasks that the team my set up for a ...
Linkan's user avatar
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What are the differences in sweeping between the two sweepers in the curling?

It's affecting the curl of the stone. One sweeper enhances the curl away from the sweeper. A second sweeper on the other side of the stone would cause the same effect in the opposite direction, ...
dly's user avatar
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Curling stones: There seems to be an electronic thing in the stone, why?

This is the "Eye on the Hog". It enforces the requirement that the stone must be released before the hog line to be valid.
Philip Kendall's user avatar
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What is the advantage to ask the Power Play in curling?

By having the stone in the house and the guard in the corner and not in the center it is more likely that the team with the hammer will be able to score 2 or more points and therefore will not attempt ...
Yosef Mordechai Coleman's user avatar

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