Both answers above are good. My addition is fromFrom a coach's point of view. Remember: remember why you play football. Your problem appears to be less about skill and more about your stress.
Beyond practice; pick an upcoming game and beforehand decide you're going to go after the defender every chance you get. Explain this to your coach and let him/her know so you have an ally. If you are a forward, this should be expected. In fact, I will even advise you to lose the ball the first few times. How? Allow yourself to just experiment and hold up the defender - don't over-think it. The only skill advice I will add is be good with both feet.
Get the defender out of your head. Smile; be creative fluid and fast. Once you've lost a couple of battles (and likely won a few), keep going after them. Once the stress is gone, you will enhance your team. You have to want the challenge.
Good luck.