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Questions tagged [archery]

For questions relating to the sport of archery; target shooting using a bow and arrow.

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What is this method of recording hits in kyūdo called?

I'm interested in learning about the symbols and what do they mean in the given below image. I tried searching online but I was not able to find this hit recording methodology of kyūdo. I'm well aware ...
SR...'s user avatar
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Why is Olympic Archery 1-on-1 rather than all-at-once?

Background: In 100 Meter Dash or Canoeing, there is no space to let all Participants run at once, hence there are numerous qualification rounds where 10 (or a little more) Participants run and try to ...
Prem's user avatar
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What is the term for an 'archery course' that involves walking from one target to the next, golf-course style?

When I was a child (15 to 20 years ago, so precise details are difficult to remember), my dad would take me to an 'archery course' (searching for this in my area has only yielded results for the '...
AChrapko's user avatar
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Target size for compound archers

I want to shoot targets of the size used in competitions with my compound bow. How big are these? I wasn't able to find any reliable information online. When The more highly the Bow Weight, is the ...
UTF-8's user avatar
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What are those tripod-like things on the Olympic archers' bows? And what is their function?

As seen on the bow in the photo of Ki Bo-bae: (I did try searching first, but couldn't find it.)
miltonaut's user avatar
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Draw Bow Without Arrow

I read that one should never shoot a compound bow without an arrow in it or it'll break, often beyond repair. But is it safe to draw it without an arrow, and then to slowly relax it again?
UTF-8's user avatar
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Does a twelve-year-old need archery classes in order to have fun safely?

My son has gone to several summer camps where archery was one of the special once-a-week activities (YMCA and similar type day camps). He enjoyed it. He seemed to have learned the basics of ...
aparente001's user avatar
6 votes
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What to do if recurve arrows are far to the right?

I am shooting a recurve bow, and my arrow group is to the right. My problem is that my sight pin is already over as far right as it goes, and if I move it any further I won't be able to see it ...
Mikey S's user avatar
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Which kind of bow fits my needs

I'm an archery beginner and I'm a bit overstrained by the massive supply of different bows. I'm 1,94m tall, want to use "intuitive shooting" (I hope this is the right term) and intermediated sporty. ...
OddDev's user avatar
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What is this piece of archery equipment for?

An inexpensive (Barnett Sportflight) archery set I bought includes this little piece, about 1.5 inches long. Can anybody tell me what it is for?
Jeff Roe's user avatar
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Shooting Compound bow on a Crossbow Range?

The archery range near my place has two areas. One for Compound/Traditional bows and one for compound bows. The crossbow range has a tower for practicing shooting from elevation. When it's empty and ...
Joshua Enfield's user avatar
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Archery without a range

I would like to play with a bow, mostly for the discipline and relaxation that is demanded (from what I heard). Problem is there is no range around. I have a 13 x 11 m backyard, and including a ...
Luiz Borges's user avatar
11 votes
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Tune Easton FMJ arrows for a 30# bow?

I'd like to shoot the FMJ series of Easton because I really like how easy you can pull aluminium arrows out of the target in comparison to carbon ones. But the spine will only get as light as 500. ...
bardiir's user avatar
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What to do if the arrows are too far to the left?

When shooting (recurve, rh) my arrows are far left of the sight. I can't adjust it any further left because it's at the end of the thread for the pin and it's the longest pin I could find. What ...
bardiir's user avatar
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Archery for 67 years old beginner

My father is 67 years old and wants to start archery as a hobby. I don't have the knowledge to select a proper bow & arrow (set) for him. What should I pay attention to? What should a beginner ...
Herr's user avatar
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When selecting a bow, how can I find out what a good poundage for me would be?

I currently have a 30 pound bow which is rather light for me, and I'd like to purchase a new one. I'm guessing 45-50#, but I'm not sure. I'm thinking 60# would probably be too heavy (trying to ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Skills in archery

I'm a beginning traditional archer, and I'm wondering what the point of archery is. As far as I can tell, it's about perfect form. If you miss, you adjust your scope a little and keep trying to get ...
std''OrgnlDave's user avatar
9 votes
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When can I start to let my child attend to archery course?

I don't have skills in archery but I am interested in introducing my children to archery via archery schools. I heard that archery is a good sport that will increase our focus power and our control ...
kalingga's user avatar
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