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Questions tagged [curling]

For questions generally related to the winter sport of curling.

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1 answer

Curling stones: There seems to be an electronic thing in the stone, why?

Olympic stones seem to have 2 green lights on it, and it would be weird to have 2 dels light up if there are nothing else electronically speaking in the stone. So what are the electronics in the stone,...
Fredy31's user avatar
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Blanking second end after blanking the first

In curling it is advantageous to blank the first end, resulting in a presumable advantage in the remaining odd number of ends. Do I blank the 2nd end?
user22203's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the advantage to ask the Power Play in curling?

I have seen during the Mixed Double olympic tournaments in Pyeongchang that some team can start the end with the pre-placed stones not in the center position but from a side. This is called "Power ...
Ale's user avatar
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What are the differences in sweeping between the two sweepers in the curling?

Mainly the skip asks the sweepers do both sweep actions, but sometimes the skip asks a single player to do action. What is the difference between the sweeping to choose one rather than another ...
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Why do curlers blank on purpose?

Watching the 2018 Winter Olympics games I've noticed a few times that the team with the hammer doesn't go for an easy shot on their last stone. Instead of just putting the stone on or near the button ...
alamoot's user avatar
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3 answers

What could be the advantage of doping in curling?

I've seen reports that one of the OAR athletes in curling in these Olympics (Pyeongchang 2018) might have failed a Doping test. I really wonder... what could be the advantages of doping in curling? ...
Fredy31's user avatar
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What happens when time runs out in Curling Olympics matches?

During the Olympic Games in curling it is easy to see two stopwatches (one per team) with a time that starts from 38 minutes each . What happens if the time should end for a team? Has this ...
Ale's user avatar
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Are substitutions allowed in curling?

Most curling teams has an alternate players. Are the substitutions allowed during a match? I mean in those cases: injury of a player technical choice
Ale's user avatar
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Why do curlers always spin the stone

Why do curlers always spin the stone? Even in case the house is empty and the only goal is to deliver the stone somewhere inside, or when the goal is delivering the stone just to the button and no ...
Jan Drozen's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Why do curlers have a stopwatch?

Watching curling, I often see the sweeper seem to start a stopwatch before starting to sweep. I doesn't seem to make sense that you need a stopwatch in curling. There's no difference whether the ...
Fredy31's user avatar
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How are the votes on curling shots determined?

During curling matches it is easy to check the percentage for each shot of for each player, but how are those values determined? Each shots can be classified with the following values: 0% - 25% - 50% ...
Ale's user avatar
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How are curling percentage determined by each shot?

This is the scoreboard for the gold medal final for 2017 Tim Hortons Brier. It is possible to see the percentage (PCT) for each curler for this match. This percentage coming from every single shot, ...
Ale's user avatar
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Sweeping actions in curling

It is possible to estimate the effectiveness of sweeping action in curling? I mean how can the sweepers carry forward the stone it they do sweeping action all over the rink?
Ale's user avatar
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Why does Northern Ontario get their own entry in curling events such as the Brier?

Was watching a few old highlights of the Brief from the 50's today, and found that Northern Ontario always had their own entry, even then. Is there a reason why even thought it's not it's own province,...
canadiancreed's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I better understand and appreciate curling? [closed]

I have watched many curling matches (games? I'm honestly not sure of the terminology) during coverage of the olympics. I have read the basic rules, which seem simple enough, so I understand the ...
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