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Foot fault on a jump serve in volleyball

When a player does a jump serve can land on the baseline or not? I had a case tonight when a player do a jump serve and landed on the baseline I was told it was not a foot fault, is it correct?
user12175's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What's the English term for setter positions in volleyball?

When speaking about the positioning system in volleyball in German, we usually say the word "Läufer" (lit. "runner") and append the number, X, of the position of the setter, to refer to a certain ...
cadaniluk's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

What is an attack hit in volleyball?

What exactly constitutes an attack hit in volleyball? For example, if I set the ball to someone else for an attack hit, and the set goes too far and it is blocked by someone on the opposing team with ...
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9 votes
3 answers

What is a block in volleyball?

What exactly constitutes as a block in volleyball? Let's say if it's an overpass by the opposing team and a blocker tips it down (with two hands) but the opposing team still returns it. Is it a block? ...
Jasmine's user avatar
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-5 votes
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Volleyball terminology for attacks styles or positions of the court [closed]

What are some terms used when playing volleyball? For example, as a Portuguese speaker, I would like to know how some attacks styles or positions of the court. The one you are talking about that the ...
Alex Grilo's user avatar