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How to identify the teams playing a particular football match?

Sometimes tournament organizers show the team colors near the scoresheet. E.g, during Champions League games this information is shown in the upper left corner of the screen, but it can also depend on ...
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Is it legal to run with your athlete during an Ironman?

Certainly you wouldn't be allowed to cross the finish line with them based on the rule you cited, but as ckett said running with them in general could be considered outside assistance as a pacer. ...
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How to identify the teams playing a particular football match?

Even if you don't know any particular player, you can usually guess which team is which by reading the names of players on their jerseys. For instance, if you were watching Colombia vs Poland, you ...
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How to identify the teams playing a particular football match?

You tell them appart by their uniform, as you dont know them you could find them online, for example here are the Fifa pages for the two teams playing today. That way you can identify them better when ...
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